Virtual Learning Center

Hatch Valley Public Schools' plan for providing continuous learning for our students

During this time of extraordinary circumstances impacting all New Mexico Schools and Districts, Hatch Valley High School will be following the New Mexico Public Education Department (PED) recommendations in moving to a pass/fail designation for this spring semester rather than finishing the school year with a traditional letter grading system.

All Hatch Valley High School student cumulative GPAs and the Class of 2020 Valedictorian and Salutatorian determinations will be based on final grades and class rankings at the end of the Fall 2019 Semester as recommended by the PED. This also includes 8th grade students who are currently taking Health and Algebra I for high school credit.

All dual credit students will have a pass/fail grade for their high school transcript only.  DACC and NMSU will determine how they will report student grades for this semester on their respective college transcripts.


  • Students with questions regarding homework, please email your teacher.
  • For any student chromebook issues, please contact us Monday-Friday from 8am-3pm.
  • Email:


Student Learning Center

All Students Empowered to Succeed

Hatch Valley Public Schools will be issuing Chromebooks to ALL HVPS students.

The student and a parent must be present to pick up the Chromebook. All students will be required to sign into the Chromebook to verify that you can log in to the device. Students and Parent will be required to sign a Chromebook User Agreement Form to be issued a Chromebook.

Pick-Up Times:
SENIORS ONLY: Friday, April 3, 2020 from 11:00AM to 6:00PM
(Parents of Seniors, if you have other children please feel free to bring them as well so you will not have to make a second trip.)

All other students K-11: Monday, April 6th-10th 2020, daily from 11:00AM to 2:30PM. (Parents, please bring all children at one time.)
We will have 2 pick-up locations, both locations at Hatch Valley High School.

1.   HVHS - Front Bus pick-up area – Please drive through in a single file line. Please remain in your vehicle until it is your turn to get a Chromebook. When it is your turn, please walk up to the building to get a Chromebook and sign the agreement form. We are asking that you follow this process to maintain Social Distancing Policies that are in affect.

2.   In front of the Auditorium – Please drive through in a single file line. Please remain in your vehicle until it is your turn to get a Chromebook. When it is your turn, please walk up to the building to get a Chromebook and sign the agreement form. We are asking that you follow this process to maintain Social Distancing Policies that are in affect.

Thank you for your cooperation, HVPS Technology

Todos los estudiantes tienen el poder de triunfar

Las Escuelas Públicas de Hatch Valley emitirán Chromebooks a TODOS los estudiantes de HVPS.

El estudiante y un padre deben estar presentes para recoger el Chromebook. Todos los estudiantes deberán iniciar sesión en la Chromebook para verificar que puedan iniciar sesión en el dispositivo. Los estudiantes y los padres deberán firmar un formulario de acuerdo de usuario de Chromebook para recibir un Chromebook.

Horarios de recogida:
SENIORS ONLY: viernes 3 de abril de 2020 de 11:00 a.m. a 6:00 p.m.
(Padres de personas mayores, si tienen otros hijos, siéntanse libres de traerlos también para que no tengan que hacer un segundo viaje).

Todos los demás estudiantes de K-11: lunes 6 de abril de 2020 a viernes 10 de abril de 2020, todos los días de 11:00a.m. a 2:30p.m. (Padres, por favor traigan a todos los niños a la vez).

Tendremos 2 ubicaciones de recogida, ambas ubicaciones en Hatch Valley High School. (escuela secundaria)

1.  HVHS - Área de recogida del camión frontal - Conduzca en una sola línea de archivo. Permanezca en su vehículo hasta que sea su turno de obtener un Chromebook. Cuando sea tu turno, camine al edificio para obtener un Chromebook y firmar el formulario de acuerdo. Le pedimos que siga este proceso para mantener las Políticas de distancia social que están en efecto.

2.  Frente al Auditorio: conduzca en una sola línea de archivo. Permanezca en su vehículo hasta que sea su turno de obtener un Chromebook. Cuando sea tu turno, camine al edificio para obtener un Chromebook y firmar el formulario de acuerdo. Le pedimos que siga este proceso para mantener las Políticas de distancia social que están en efecto.

Gracias por su cooperación, Tecnología HVPS

HVPS Food Service will not be handing out food Friday April 10th, however will instead be handing out 2 days worth of food today April 9th, and will continue regular scheduled meal services next week starting Monday April 13th.

New Operating Hours HVPS FOOD SERVICES*Monday-Friday March 19th- May 29th


Route #1:
Hatch Library- 522 Hall St, 8:00am-8:15am
Rodey-Saint Francis Church- 107 Jesus Silva St, 8:20am-8:35am
Rincon- Catholic Church- 1955 Rincon Rd, 8:45am-9:00am

Route #2:
Jim’s Supermarket- 150 Hall St, 8:00am-8:15am
Camino Real Apartments- 20 Chile Capital Ln, 8:20am-8:35am
Milagro- 100 Tepache Rd, 8:40am-9:00am

Route #3:
Salem Park- 501 Salem St, 8:00am-8:20am
Garfield Elementary- 8820 NM-187, 8:30am-8:55am
HATCH HIGH SCHOOL- 170 W Herrera St, 730am-1130am

**All children 18 and under will receive a free breakfast and lunch for each day at all sites**

Please Contact Rex Lish at 575-621-8060 for any questions.